I am including this post as I have shared this information with more people than my Hashimotos’ protocol. It might also help one of you.
I had always wanted children and wanted to turn my dream into a reality at the age of 45. Luckily enough, I had frozen my eggs at 41 and had gotten good results. So, now it was time to defrost and create embryos.
For 6 months before the transfer, I focused on creating the best nest for my embryo, so that it would implant. My reasoning was the western medicine can control the quality of the egg, but not the environment of the uterus — this was the domain of eastern and nutritional medicine. One acupuncturist once described it, as getting all the building blocks ready for the uterus to perform a task it usually does not do. My thinking was, I want to have tried my utmost … especially as I only had one genetically normal embryo.
Below are all the different technique I tried. Some I had come across in previous research and made sense to apply in this case, others were new. I have been asked to share this list many times and can only say that it is my exhaustive list. Acupuncture, taking vitamins, eating healthily, getting to bed early, meditating and reducing stress were my main focus, but I did try all of the below at various stages.
Acupuncture became a 1-2 time weekly ritual, that was more than a needle pricking session. It was almost therapeutic. It gave me time and space to focus on my “project” and made me accountable to look after myself between sessions. Speaking to my acupuncturist was comforting, empowering and calming.
Finally, this list also includes recommendations I received for preparation right before the transfer and right after.
I recommend that you use this list as inspiration – certainly, don’t drive yourself crazy and try to do all of them regularly.
PRE-IMPLANTATION (treatments to reduce inflammation and put the body in its most optimal state to produce quality eggs and/or to receive and accept the embryo). I started most of the below 6 months before for to really effect my body chemistry.
Chinese Treatments
- Acupuncture with moxiposin treatments 1-2x week. Afterwards, have a chilled evening.
- 30 min massage to relax before or after acupuncture to make acupuncture more effective
- Chinese teas and relaxation pills prescribed by Chinese doctor.
- B3 to help release energy from carbs
- CoQ10 to support egg production and healthy ovaries
- D complex important for metabolism, bone growth and pre-term labor.
- Multi-vitamin with absorbent folate (vs man-made folic acid) and zinc
- Omega 3
- Probiotics for stronger immune system and digestive issues
Other treatments to clean system and reduce inflammation
- Floss every day. Bits of food end up going into your blood stream and causing inflammation.
- Get teeth cleaned at least every 6 months.
- Colonic regime with coffee and wheatgrass to flush system of toxins. This can’t be done when pregnant.
- Go to bed early and sleep at least 8 hours
Nutrition to detox and reduce inflammation
- Green juice
- Eat warm foods as womb needs this, not salads!
- Turmeric lattes and teas which are anti-inflammatory
- Decaf coffee
- Little wine
- Little sugar
- No cigarettes
- No gluten
- No dairy — use nut milks if necessary
- No soy (reduces progesterone)
Spiritual/Exercise to align your body’s chakras and energies, call on universe’s energy and relax
- Kundalini yoga
- Juvamukti yoga
- Mediation
- Visualization
- Breathing exercises to oxygenate body
- Gong baths to relax
Just before Implantation
- Get endometrial scratch at day 2 bloods. This makes the uterus bleed and shed a deeper layer of lining vs regular menstruation.
- Have sex before as it stimulates hormones that help implantation.
- Acupuncture 24 hours before
- Acupuncture 24 hours after, then nothing for 2 weeks. Any subsequent acupuncture should not be in the stomach area. It is beneficial to help with pregnancy headaches — and apparently also morning sickness.
- Continue as above less extra B3 and D complex
- Eat pineapple including the core for 4 days after. This has the enzyme bromelain that reduced inflammation to encourage implantation.
- Drink bone broth as it is a powerful nutrient.
- Eat protein at breakfast ie. eggs and salmon.
- Eat meat as it helps with the fetus’ development of red blood cells.
- No soy products as they prevent implantation / reduces progesterone.
Exercise and other Physical
- No hot water on stomach in the shower for a week.
- No hot baths — changes body temperature.
- No exercise for 4 months — as you don’t want to rock the boat.
- Walk down stairs slowly
- No high heels — again, want smooth movements.
- Teeth clean at 3 and 6 months
- Floss every day because gums will bleed during and up to 2 years after pregnancy.
- Put 50spf on face when sun is out to prevent heavy pigmentation and pregnancy mask.
Wishing you all the luck in the world!
1 Comment
Holger Hendrichs
thanks for sharing all these details Carolin, very insightful and helpful